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Children struggling with letter formation and spellings

Occupational Therapist or a Psychologist can provide help improve the child's writing skills, and overcome their challenges with letter formation, spelling and grammar.

Dysgraphia is a learning difficulty that affects a child's writing abilities, causing them to struggle with letter formation, spelling, grammar and punctuation. If you are a parent who is concerned about your child's writing development, read on to learn more about the signs, symptoms and treatment options for dysgraphia.

What is Dysgraphia?

Dysgraphia is a condition that affects a child's ability to write effectively. It can cause difficulty with letter formation, spelling accuracy and speed of writing. This can impact their academic performance as well as their personal expression.

Signs and Symptoms of Dysgraphia

Here are some common signs and symptoms of dysgraphia that parents may observe in their child:

  • Illegible handwriting

  • Difficulty with letter formation

  • Inconsistent spelling

  • Difficulty with fine motor skills

  • Slow writing speed

  • Difficulty with organization

  • Difficulty with grammar and punctuation

Example Scenarios:

Here are some example scenarios of how a child may have difficulty in writing and always jumbling alphabets:

  • The child's writing may be difficult to read due to poor letter formation, inconsistent spacing, or illegible cursive.

  • The child may struggle with the correct formation of letters, which can cause them to jumble letters or write them in the wrong order.

  • The child may have difficulty with spelling, which can make it difficult for them to communicate their ideas effectively.

  • The child may struggle with fine motor skills, which can make it difficult for them to hold a pencil or pen correctly, control the pressure of their writing, or coordinate the movements required for writing.

  • The child may take longer than their peers to complete writing tasks, which can affect their ability to keep up with classwork or assignments.

  • The child may struggle with organizing their thoughts and ideas, which can make it difficult for them to write coherent sentences and paragraphs.

  • The child may have difficulty with grammar and punctuation, which can affect the clarity and effectiveness of their writing.

Causes of Dysgraphia:

Dysgraphia can be caused by a variety of factors, including:

  • Developmental disorders such as ADHD or dyslexia

  • Physical conditions such as fine motor skill difficulties, visual-motor coordination deficits.

  • Environmental factors such as neglect or lack of stimulation

Treatment for Dysgraphia:

If you suspect that your child has dysgraphia, it is recommended that they receive further evaluation and intervention from a professional who specializes in learning disorders. This may include an Occupational Therapist or a Psychologist. They can provide therapy to improve the child's writing skills, and help them overcome their challenges with letter formation, spelling and grammar.

Some recommendations include:

  • Seek professional help: If your child continues to struggle with expressing their basic needs, it may be beneficial to seek professional help. A healthcare professional, such as an occupational therapist or psychologist can provide a comprehensive evaluation to identify any underlying issues and guide appropriate intervention strategies.

  • Work with a qualified tutor or therapist: A qualified tutor or therapist can provide your child with individualized instruction and interventions to help them improve their writing skills.

  • Encourage practice: Encourage your child to practice their writing skills regularly, such as writing letters to family members, keeping a journal, or writing short stories.

  • Use assistive technology: Assistive technology can be helpful for children with dysgraphia, such as using a word processor with spell-check or voice recognition software.

  • Provide accommodations: Provide accommodations for your child at school, such as extended time for writing assignments, using a keyboard instead of writing by hand, or allowing them to use a scribe.

  • Create a positive and supportive environment: Encourage and praise your child's efforts, and create a positive and supportive environment where they feel comfortable and motivated to practice their writing skills.


Dysgraphia can be challenging for children who struggle with it. However, with proper diagnosis and treatment plans in place, most children can overcome the condition. Encouraging the child to practice their skills regularly while providing support is important in helping them manage this condition successfully. If you suspect that your child has dysgraphia consult with an expert who can guide them through the process of overcoming this difficulty.

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