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Sensory Issues: child closes ears for sounds

If your child is closing their ears for certain sounds, it could be because they're having difficulty processing and integrating sensory information, including auditory inputs

If your child is showing signs of closing their ears for certain sounds, it may be an indication of a sensory integration issue. This means that they are having difficulty processing and integrating sensory information, including auditory input from their environment.

Here are some examples of sounds that may be overwhelming for a child:

  • Loud noises: Sudden loud noises such as fire alarms, thunderstorms, or fireworks can be very distressing for some children.

  • High-pitched sounds: Some children may be sensitive to high-pitched sounds such as a dog whistle or a tea kettle whistling.

  • Crowded places: Busy places such as shopping malls, airports, or playgrounds can be overwhelming for some children due to the amount of auditory stimulation.

  • Certain types of music: Some children may be sensitive to certain types of music, such as heavy metal or rap.

  • Repetitive sounds: Monotonous sounds such as the ticking of a clock, dripping of a faucet, or buzzing of a fluorescent light can be very distracting and distressing for some children.

Recommendations to Parents

  • Identify Triggers: Pay attention to the sounds that your child is most sensitive to and try to identify any patterns or triggers that may be causing distress.

  • Create a Calm Environment: If your child is experiencing sensory overload, create a calm and quiet environment for them to retreat to. This can help them feel more comfortable and in control of their surroundings.

  • Use Earplugs or Noise-Cancelling Headphones: Consider providing your child with earplugs or noise-cancelling headphones to help reduce the impact of sounds that are particularly distressing.

  • Practice Exposure Therapy: Gradual exposure to sounds that trigger a child's hypersensitivity can help desensitize them to the stimulus over time. This should be done in a supportive and controlled environment with a trained professional.

  • Seek Professional Help: If your child's hypersensitivity to sounds is impacting their daily life and functioning, consider seeking the help of a professional such as an occupational therapist or an audiologist who can provide guidance and support.

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