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Daffodils Child Development Center Hyderabad

Understanding Head Banging in Autism: ABA Strategies

Updated: Aug 9, 2023

Autistic child: head banging in autism

We're addressing a concerning behavior that some children with autism may exhibit: head banging. We'll explore the reasons behind this behavior, its impact, and most importantly, effective remediation strategies using Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) techniques.

Understanding Head Banging in Autism

Head banging, or self-injurious behavior, can be distressing for both the child and their caregivers. It's important to understand that head banging serves a purpose for the child with autism. Here's what you need to know:

1. Sensory Regulation: Head banging may help children with autism regulate their sensory experiences. The repetitive impact against a solid surface provides a specific sensory input that can be self-soothing or stimulating.

2. Communication: In some cases, head banging can be a form of communication. Children may engage in this behavior to express frustration, pain, or discomfort when they have difficulty using verbal language.

Impact and Safety Considerations

Before we delve into remediation strategies, it's crucial to address the impact of head banging and prioritize safety. Here are a few important considerations:

1. Physical Injury: Head banging can pose a risk of physical injury, such as bruises, cuts, or even concussions. Ensuring a safe environment is paramount.

2. Medical Evaluation: It's crucial to consult with a healthcare professional to rule out any underlying medical conditions that may contribute to the behavior.

3. Functional Assessment: Conducting a functional assessment can help determine the purpose or function of the head banging behavior, which will guide the development of effective remediation strategies.

ABA Techniques for Remediation

Now, let's explore effective remediation strategies using Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) techniques. ABA focuses on understanding the function of behavior and using evidence-based strategies to modify it. Here are some key approaches:

1. Replacement Behaviors:

- Identify alternative, socially acceptable behaviors that serve the same function as head banging. These behaviors should fulfill the child's needs in a more appropriate way.

- Example: Teaching the child to use a communication system, such as sign language or picture exchange, to express their needs and frustrations instead of head banging.

2. Environmental Modifications:

- Make changes to the environment to reduce triggers and create a more supportive setting for the child.

- Example: If head banging tends to occur during specific activities or in particular environments, modify those situations to minimize sensory overload or frustration.

3. Reinforcement and Rewards:

- Implement a reinforcement system to encourage and reinforce the use of alternative behaviors.

- Example: When the child successfully communicates their needs without resorting to head banging, provide positive reinforcement, such as praise, tokens, or preferred items or activities.

4. Visual Supports and Social Stories:

- Utilize visual supports and social stories to help the child understand expectations and alternative ways of expressing themselves.

- Example: Create a social story that illustrates the process of using alternative communication methods and the positive outcomes it can bring.

5. Functional Communication Training (FCT):

- Teach the child more effective communication skills to replace head banging as a means of expressing their needs and emotions.

- Example: Use a systematic approach to teach and reinforce functional communication, such as requesting a break, expressing discomfort, or asking for assistance.

Collaborating with ABA Professionals

Implementing ABA strategies for remediating head banging requires expertise and collaboration with ABA professionals. They will conduct a comprehensive assessment, develop individualized interventions, and provide ongoing support to address this challenging behavior effectively.


Understanding the function and impact of head banging in autism is crucial for implementing effective remediation strategies. By replacing the behavior with alternative communication skills, modifying the environment, and collaborating with ABA professionals, we can help children with autism navigate their world in a safer and more functional way. Thank you!!

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